Add a Network Device

Use this task to add a network device to your resources.

  1. Go to Resources > Network Resources and click Add Network Device.
  2. Configure the settings for the new device:
    Table 1. Network Device Configuration Settings
    Field Description
    IP Address Enter an IP address for your network device in the text field.
    Alias (Optional) Enter a network device alias.
    RADIUS Template Search for and select an existing RADIUS template from the drop-down menu.
    • RadSec Proxy (Shared Secret) - If you select RadSec Proxy (Shared Secret), enter the Shared Secret into the associated text field.
    • Native RadSec (Generate a Certificate bundle) - If you select Native RadSec (Generate a Certificate bundle), the Create a certifate bundle check box appears pre-selected.
    Type Select Wired or Wireless from the network device Type drop-down list.
    Sites Search and select an existing site from the Sites drop-down menu.
    Session Timeout for Device (Optional) If 'Use Global Timeout' is selected, this option is disabled. If an individual session timeout for the device is required, disable 'Use Global Timeout'.
    Use Global Timeout To set an individual session time out for this device, de-select this option and set the desired session timeout in the above field.
  3. Click Add.